Photo Contest a Great Success!
December 15, 2020

The contest was organized by the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership to showcase images that demonstrate what folks around the Plum Creek Watershed value about their environment.
Submissions reflect a love for landscapes, farmland and working lands, plant life or animal life, weather, canoeing, camping, hiking, or biking—basically anything that conveys enjoyment and appreciation of our riparian areas and the great outdoors in general.
We received more than 40 original submissions, making the final selection process extremely difficult for the judges!
Congratulations to Adrian Gutierrez, photo contest winner and recipient of a brand new 60-gallon rainwater harvesting barrel as Grand Prize winner in our ‘Plum Creek Watershed Photo Contest! Adrian’s winning photo was taken of the Lockhart State Park Waterfall along Clearfork Creek. Congratulations Adrian!