Summer 2021 Newsletter

The Summer edition of The Plum Creek Current introduces our new watershed coordinator and contains a 5-question stakeholder survey as well as information for current events. Follow this link to read the full newsletter.

Christina is an environmental geographer and earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in geography at Texas State University. Her dissertation focused on environmental volunteerism and natural resource conservation. She has held positions at Texas State University and several environmental organizations, such as the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, Colorado River Alliance, and the National Wildlife Federation. In her free time, she enjoys hiking local green spaces, swimming in the San Marcos River, and traveling to Big Bend National Park. 

Christina is responsible for promoting and coordinating activities within the watershed, which aim to improve the health of the Plum Creek Watershed.

Central Texas Feral Hog Task Force

Feral hog bounty claims will take place from 10 AM to 1 PM on the following Thursdays:

  • June 10
  • July 8
  • August 12

Location: Smith Supply Co. 1830 S Colorado St, Lockhart, TX 78644

Feral hog tails (in a sealed Ziplock-type bag) or receipts from a TAHC certified buying station may be presented to a Task Force Representative.

Participants must certify that pigs were harvested in Caldwell County from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 to be eligible for the bounty program. 

Thanks for participating!

The Healthy Lawns and Healthy Waters Program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for the residential landscape. At workshops, attendees will learn about the design and installation of residential rainwater harvesting systems and appropriate turf and landscape species based on local conditions. Participants will also receive a free soil test bag and soil test analysis through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Laboratory.

Sign up here:

Hays County Homeowners! Did you know that you can maintain your own septic system after 2 years of installation? Tired of dealing with maintenance contracts? Take this course and maintain your own! Register below, courses starting April 1st.

In this online course, we will be discussing information that is important to you, the homeowner, for performing the proper operation, maintenance, and monitoring service of your onsite wastewater treatment system, also called an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) and Spray System.

We will also discuss the routine reporting requirements for keeping your ATU & Spray System in compliance with Texas regulations at the state and local levels.

For Texas counties that have approved this course, it will allow homeowners to maintain their own Aerobic Treatment Unit. To determine if your county is eligible, contact your local regulatory authority

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic operation and maintenance activities for an ATU
  • Be a better consumer in the onsite wastewater treatment industry
  • Have the knowledge needed to develop a professional relationship with your maintenance providers.

Learners will have 30 days to complete this course.

Register Here: 

The Urban Riparian Symposium, set for February 10 – 12, 2021, provides an opportunity for natural resource professionals to share ideas, discuss management and policy issues, lessons learned in urban riparian and stream planning, assessment, design, construction, and evaluation. The symposium will be held virtually and will include presentations, panel discussions, virtual socials. Early/Student registration is for $75 before January 17th. Late registration from January 18th – February 5th will be for $90. Included with your conference registration is a complimentary, one year membership to the Texas Riparian Association.Keynote speakers, panels, and concurrent sessions will take place in the mornings Wednesday – Friday. Wednesday afternoon will include virtual workshops and Thursday evening will include the virtual Poster Session and Reception. Virtual networking sessions will also occure throughout the Symposium.For more information or questions please contact Clare Escamilla at 210-277-0292 ext 205 or Refunds will be available prior to February 1st less a $15 processing fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations after February 1st, but substitutions are allowed, providing that notification is sent to Clare Escamilla ( in advance. Early Bird and Student Rate = $75Regular Registration (after January 17, 2021) = $90

Waterfall Lockhart State Park

The contest was organized by the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership to showcase images that demonstrate what folks around the Plum Creek Watershed value about their environment.

Submissions reflect a love for landscapes, farmland and working lands, plant life or animal life, weather, canoeing, camping, hiking, or biking—basically anything that conveys enjoyment and appreciation of our riparian areas and the great outdoors in general. 

We received more than 40 original submissions, making the final selection process extremely difficult for the judges!

Congratulations to Adrian Gutierrez, photo contest winner and recipient of a brand new 60-gallon rainwater harvesting barrel as Grand Prize winner in our ‘Plum Creek Watershed Photo Contest! Adrian’s winning photo was taken of the Lockhart State Park Waterfall along Clearfork Creek.  Congratulations Adrian!

The City of Kyle is taking a futuristic approach to keeping its parks clean with an agreement for a robotic litter collection service developed by Jason Lewis and John Connolly, co-founders of Mekaworks. Their autonomous robot litter collector can traverse park terrain and uses machine vision to see litter, while also lowering the cost of litter cleanup in parks.